The Serious Business of being a Grown Up

I don’t remember being a child.  I’m assuming I was one once and wasn’t beamed down here to planet earth to hatch out fully formed and ready to rock.  I’ve seen photos too, aged 3 standing naked in an inflatable paddling pool drinking the water out of it with a spoon!  Others wax lyrical about childhood being the best time of their lives filled with carefree days and endearing stories, climbing trees, learning to ride a bike, giggling over silly things until tummies ached.  I’ve no recollection, just a longing to experience some of this innocent wonderment.

Being ‘grown up’ seemed to slip silently in somewhere, unlike turning 18 it didn’t appear announced in a Hallmark birthday card – “now that you are a Grown Up, Happy Birthday!”.  It’s not a celebration or a chance to get all excited, it came with it’s two ugly sisters Responsibility and Maturity.  Being a Grown Up is vastly overrated..

It’s not that I want to go back to paddling naked in an inflatable pool – that’s now likely to get me arrested or at the very least give the neighbours a nasty turn.  I’m tired of being a grown up, it’s too damned serious.  Where’d all the fun go?!

I was once the Wendy to a Peter Pan manchild and it was the best of times and the worst of times.  He was a great playmate and there was never a dull moment, it was the nearest to being a kid I’ve ever been.  It eventually imploded when one of us had to become the grown up and pay bills etc and he delegated that role to me, took his toys back and went off to find Tinkerbell.

We may not be able to return to Neverland once we grow up, but if every now and then we can look at life with the eyes of a child there could be hope for us yet.



Have a lovely weekend and remember to look for the magic.  I’m off to build a tent in the corner of the office ..




22 thoughts

  1. I so understand where you are coming from here. I tend to live in the past which isn’t good but it’s hard to not want simpler, happier days again.

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  2. I’m so with you on this – I think adulthood should be banned, it causes more problems than it solves and everyone is miserable about it – so what’s the point?!?
    can I come in your tent?

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    1. You are right, adults are so miserable these days. We seem intent on wrecking life for ourselves – and it’s rubbing off on the kids too. You definitely can come in my tent, I’ll move over and save you a cushion 🙂

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      1. Oh i see… this should be normal for adults I think.
        So you have any cardboard boxes so we can make things like spaceships or houses or something?

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  3. I’ll admit, I tend to be a serious person. I’m fairly analytical, and always evaluating little things to determine where I am now vs. where I want to be – always having a rough plan for both the short and long term.

    But even still, I try not to lose that sense of playfulness and fun. One of my all time favorite comics is Calvin and Hobbes, and growing up reading it I knew that when I was eventually a father I wanted to be like Calvin’s dad. Playful, joking, trying to appreciate the little moments in life and not to get too caught up when things aren’t going well. So far I think I’ve been fairly successful, and I think holding onto that playful side is the only thing that has kept me sane in the “adult” world.

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    1. Oh I love Calvin and Hobbes, pure inspiration on how not to be a grown up. Do you think ‘planning’ is the difference between grown ups and kids? Kids just go do it, grown ups analyse it to death until we’ve missed the moment ..


      1. Kind of. I think it’s more about responsibility.

        Kids live for today, for the present. The don’t have to think about tomorrow, or next week. They are hopefully in a spot where they feel safe and loved, and they don’t have to worry about how they will eat next week, or if they will have somewhere live.

        As adults we need to worry about all these things, and we have no one other than ourselves to depend on. I actually think that’s one of the strengths of a relationship – you now have someone doing this with you and it eases the burden (in theory).

        Responsibility is unavoidable though, and actually I think there is a degree of happiness and satisfaction to be found in knowing that you are in control of your own future and being able to accomplish things on your own, or with someone else.

        The hard part is when we worry too much. And we take ourselves and our plans too seriously.

        I plan, and always have. But I accept that I can’t control very many thing in life so my plans are always fairly fluid. I accept that things can happen to derail them, and I try to adjust accordingly.

        I’ve seen some people who are very rigid in their planning, and who don’t respond well when things don’t go as planned.

        No matter what we do though, I really do think it’s important to remember to have fun along the way.

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  4. You really don’t remember anything from when you were a kid? You must have gone through some kind of trauma. I do remember the simplicity of it and the agony of realizing how much work it was to be on my own.

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  5. I think–and as always, I could be completely wrong–Neverland returns when the phase of life–bills, kids, mortgage, jobs–slip into the past. I’m on the verge of re-entering Neverland. Sure, there will still bills to pay, but in a few years, the Wendys and Peters I’m responsible for will be responsible for themselves, and I will once again be free to see the magic, follow it’s trail and be kid-like again.

    But this is a chosen path, one I make by letting other things go: the big house, the expensive vehicle, the large wardrobe, the many gadgets, the useless unused fancy dishes, the clutter that weighs down the heart and soul. I have made a choice to live with less, so I can have more. More of the good things in life: family, friendships, laughter, joy, free time.

    I remember my childhood quite well; I was the running wild child. In a few years, I will be the running wild mid-lifer.

    Thank you. These are wonderful thoughts to start the weekend.

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    1. ‘the running wild mid-lifer’ – that sounds like fun! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, sounds very liberating to let go of all the surplus stuff and enjoy experiences instead.


  6. Oh yes! Adulting as I call it is entirely over rated. Simplicity is a goal for me. I live with a lot of the fears that come with adulthood but long to just jump into life like a child. This weekend my friend and I are off to sit on a beach and find some adventure. Wish us luck! Thelma and Louise forever!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Yes, cheers to looking for the magic… and to tents! I made them with blankets indoors and outdoors all the time. Hope you enjoyed yours, and I hope it recaptured a bit of your childhood. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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